On Your First Visit
​Stepping into any new environment for the first time can be a little intimidating. This is just as true of a church as it is of anywhere else. For this reason we want to give you an idea of what to expect when you come.
Your First Visit
Upon Arriving
You will find our people to be friendly and kind as soon as you step onto the property.
The main entrance is located at the front of the building facing
Rt. 25.
Our nursery which is for newborns to children up to 2 years old is located downstairs from the main entrance.
All of our nursery workers are composed of mothers, some of which are registered nurses and local school teachers.
After checking in your child you will be given a pager so that you can be alerted if any issue should arises.
Worship Time
Our Main Service begins every Sunday morning at 11 AM.
Our auditorium is located upstairs.
Following opening prayer and greeting we begin by having three songs .
After the three worship songs are concluded we invite the children downstairs to have an exciting kids service geared just for them.
The Message
Each week one of our pastors will deliver a well thought out and studied sermon based on the Scriptures.
This message will be Christ centered, challenging and uplifting.
We believe the Bible when it says in 2 Timothy that "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:"
Our desire is to hear God's Word preached in a way that we can draw direction and strength for the coming week.
Sunday Times
Sunday School - 10 AM
Main Service - 11 AM
Sunday Evening - 6 PM
Wednesday Times
Bible Study & Prayer - 6:30 PM
Standish Baptist Academy
Founded in the fall of 1995 our private school has offered a christian education to many local families. For more information please visit the school's website by clicking the "more" tab at the top of the page.